Monday 22 November 2010

end of module self evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module  and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have developed my visual thinking and illustrator skills and I feel I have effectively applied these skills to my projects. Mainly the alphabet soup illustrator and alphabet soup part 1-were we picked a  word from the randomizer. In regards to illustrator I have picked up valuable skills that  help me to experiment with creating 26 different variations of the letter B. 
   With the alphabet soup 1 I felt I had answered the brief in a simple but effective way this was due to me coming up with a solid idea.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 

By going through the motions of brainstorming and researching, designing initial ideas and developed ideas sheets and then final outcomes I have found that I will more often than not come up with a final idea that I am happy with and that is relevant to the task. The best example of this is No news is good news. For this project I  started researching Paul Gascoigne and ended up doing a poster for drink driving, the reason I mention this is because without the body of research I had gathered I would never been able to produce the envelope I did.

3. What strength can you identify in you work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 

I think my strengths lie in coming up with good initial ideas and then  building on them.I found that the ideas for brain storming and experimenting  were really interesting and original and I will capitalise on this by spending even more time producing and experimenting with different ideas and outcomes. After all its these begining stages that shape the final outcomes.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

My main weakness organisation and time management skills, I didn't leave myself enough time for some of the briefs and felt that if I had  have put more time and effort in then things would/could have turned out differently in certain projects. I know this  is one of my weaknesses and I need to make sure I work harder and make better use of time in the studio.  Other areas I can improve on is producing more experiments design sheets before I come to my final outcomes, this again depends on me managing my time efficiently.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

a) Improving time management in particular making sure that all necessary work is completed in time for crits. This will help me get the best feed back possible.

b) To use studio time effectively and get as much use from the facilities the collage has to offer. This will help me produce better work. 

c) Take more advantage of saturdays. There is no one in on saturdays and I would have the college to myself (pretty much) leaving me with peace and quite with access to all the facilities the collage has to offer 

d) Listen and concentrate to specifics of briefs. Help me answer briefs better and produce better ideas and final outcomes. 

e) Produce more design sheets for initial and developed ideas. This will help me with producing my final designs making sure I have explored as many different routes as possible.


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