Thursday 28 July 2011

ppd resubmission 10 things I aim to focus on in level 5

1. Time management-Gain more confidence in completing tasks and prioritising my work.
2. Analytical skills-Enables me to criticise and evaluate my work.
3. Oral presentations-More confidence needed. 
4. Work experience-Develop my professional skills by gaining live brief experience.
5. Networking-Visiting other courses and universities to discuss course interests to gain new outlooks on graphic design.
6. Independent research-Rather than simply researching according to a given brief.Go to galleries and exhibitions to build on existing knowledge.
7. Animation and moving image-More knowledge needed which is a priority of mine.
8. Attendance and punctuality- Realisation of how important this is to my learning process.
9. Staying motivated and keeping positive attitude towards work-This will help with staying optimistic throughout every task.
10. Stay on top of blogging-This effects time spent on other projects.

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