Tuesday 13 March 2012

Task 2. Group tutorial Prep

Industrial experience to me is working in a professional working atmosphere, meeting deadlines and producing work for live briefs. My opinion is based on previous work done outside university. There are different types of industry experience and It can involve working under someone, shadowing them and learning from them or it could involve working independently while producing live briefs that may or may not be used in a companies campaign.

The key thing that I have learnt from Industry experience is that the is no space for error and deadlines are a big factor in keeping things running smoothly. You also learn how to work in a professional atmosphere and gain a real understanding of the pressure's that are faced in a work place. Working in a team is usually very important and comes into practice when doing work placements.

I have previously worked in a printing and packaging factory and found it very interesting. I realised how design is filtered down from the studio to actual print production.

I am very interested in moving image and would love to gain some experience in a design suit that is focused on editing or even being behind the camera filming and shooting. I would also really enjoy being part of producing 'positive social change' adverts/campaigns. I feel this is were design is most effective and influential.

I am concerned about the fact that I am still unsure of the pathway that I eventually want to end up in. However I believe that gaining experience in any working environment is vital to finding out where I eventually want to end up...

Monday 12 March 2012

Task 1.Why am I here what do I want to learn.

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme.

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the programme.
Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
Illustration, Idea generating, packaging,

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve. 
I want to improve on my organisation and time management skills 

Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress.

Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Task 5. Proposed position statement.

Task 4.Who else is out there? How good are they?

I will be competing against lots of different clothing brands. Examples include Addidas, Boxfresh and Carhartt. I chose these brands specifically because they are great examples of  brands that have branched out into music and film. They supply clothing for artists and actors. The film 'Kidulthood' was sponsored by Boxfresh, the clothing is clearly worn by the actors throughout the film.

In the french film 'Le Haine' one of the main characters Hubert wears a Carhartt hat almost the whole way through the film.

Another example is seen in adidas' exploitation of Hip Hop. Adidas would argue that it has promoted this underground subculture, however I would argue that they only jumped on the band wagon once their clothing was accepted and flaunted by the young people of the the Hip Hop movement. They saw an opportunity to  make money through sponsorship deals with artist from all areas of the Hip Hop scene.

To try and set myself apart from the competition I would setup pop up shops at music events/festivals and film festivals. During the day these would serve as retail stores and at night they would be used to hold live events. Events that might include live art/graffiti, music by artist or DJ's or open mic events, dance of all kinds for example breakdancing and screenings of untapped talent from the film world. Artists could then have the opportunity to be sponsored by my clothing brand. This type of self promotion would help connect with  customers and potential clients in a genuine and hands on way at the grass roots level. This would enable me to interact with the public which gives a more personal touch. Especially within the urban fashion, music and film industries. In todays world potential clients want their customers to be able to relate to the products so that they feel comfortable wearing their clothes. My view is that my brand and identity need to be true to what it represents and not only concerned with selling for profits .The audience want to know that the brand identifies with them.

Task 3. How will I promote myself?

Being based in London will give me the greatest competitive advantage as its my home town for a start and it is one of the best design capitals in the world. People come from all over the world to buy or sell in London. It is also a focal point when it comes to fashion and music. Having an online website would also help my clients reach me from where ever they are in the world. Basing myself in London would help me with networking because of the amount of international customers that are based in London , not having to travel to the other side of the country or world for meetings and consultations would save time and money. Getting myself out there through self promotion like handing out business cards that would have my contact details and web address on them, to the right people in the right places. Sending business cards out to potential clients via mail shots is also a good way of reaching new customers and staying in touch with the old ones. Holding events  showcasing my work would be a great way off engaging with potential clients. This type of self promotion is a great way of letting people know who I am? where I am? and what I do?...

Task 2.Who are they?How will they find me?

My potential clients are based worldwide. They can be branch based or internet based. The internet has made it possible for people to even sell merchandise from their own homes. The media which my potential clients use can either be print based or digital based. Within their print based advertising campaigns they can include include posters, billboards, flyers, mail shots and magazines. Clients will also be asking me to design for clothing/materials. The digital advertising side means that I would be designing  for is screen. This could involve me designing for  T.V.,web or for interactive advertising that engages with the public first hand. For example at bus stops or billboards that use the latest technology to engage with their customers through digital media. I would need a website to display my work and portfolio to potential clients.

Monday 5 March 2012

Task 1. Who am I? who are they.

Client groups.
Music industry.
News and Sports.
Publishing/ Editorials.
Coporate advertising.
Public service advertising.
Government and political.
Charities and fundraising.

The client group that interests me the most is 'fashion'. In particular urban fashion. This fashion crosses over many other client groups. Group from the fashion, music and film industry. My view is that design for the music, film and fashion industry walk hand in hand with each other. So inadvertently I could see myself designing for theses other areas as well, and heres why... It is very common these days for a clothing brands to latch onto an artist/artists or genre of music or films (A good example  of this is adidas exploitation of Hip Hop to sell their merchandise, or Boxfreshes sponsorship of the film Kidulthood).
At the other end of the spectrum there are lots of unique artists that require custom designed clothing for their videos or public appearances.

The skills I have learnt as a designer will help me design for branding and logo's as well. The fact that a logo can be applied to so many things in relation to clothing is great, the possibilities are endless. For example a t-shirt, jumper, tracksuits, jeans- the pockets, buttons, the labels inside the clothing,etc... As well as this there is the promotion aspects in relation to advertising campaigns that surround the products themselves.

If  a start up clothing brand didn't have a logo to represent their brand then they would go to a designer like myself to create a logo that represent the brands identity and personality. Companies and brands are always looking to reinvent themselves and I think that my branding and identity skills would also come in handy as clothing brands always bring out different ranges under the same brand name. Knowing what artwork to use for the right job is key, especially when designing for a brands separate ranges. 
My aim would be to be able to design for all types of clothing- mens, women (formal and informal) and children's wear. Any clothing that can be or is in need of a design I would be able to design for.