Monday 5 March 2012

Task 1. Who am I? who are they.

Client groups.
Music industry.
News and Sports.
Publishing/ Editorials.
Coporate advertising.
Public service advertising.
Government and political.
Charities and fundraising.

The client group that interests me the most is 'fashion'. In particular urban fashion. This fashion crosses over many other client groups. Group from the fashion, music and film industry. My view is that design for the music, film and fashion industry walk hand in hand with each other. So inadvertently I could see myself designing for theses other areas as well, and heres why... It is very common these days for a clothing brands to latch onto an artist/artists or genre of music or films (A good example  of this is adidas exploitation of Hip Hop to sell their merchandise, or Boxfreshes sponsorship of the film Kidulthood).
At the other end of the spectrum there are lots of unique artists that require custom designed clothing for their videos or public appearances.

The skills I have learnt as a designer will help me design for branding and logo's as well. The fact that a logo can be applied to so many things in relation to clothing is great, the possibilities are endless. For example a t-shirt, jumper, tracksuits, jeans- the pockets, buttons, the labels inside the clothing,etc... As well as this there is the promotion aspects in relation to advertising campaigns that surround the products themselves.

If  a start up clothing brand didn't have a logo to represent their brand then they would go to a designer like myself to create a logo that represent the brands identity and personality. Companies and brands are always looking to reinvent themselves and I think that my branding and identity skills would also come in handy as clothing brands always bring out different ranges under the same brand name. Knowing what artwork to use for the right job is key, especially when designing for a brands separate ranges. 
My aim would be to be able to design for all types of clothing- mens, women (formal and informal) and children's wear. Any clothing that can be or is in need of a design I would be able to design for.

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