Tuesday 6 March 2012

Task 3. How will I promote myself?

Being based in London will give me the greatest competitive advantage as its my home town for a start and it is one of the best design capitals in the world. People come from all over the world to buy or sell in London. It is also a focal point when it comes to fashion and music. Having an online website would also help my clients reach me from where ever they are in the world. Basing myself in London would help me with networking because of the amount of international customers that are based in London , not having to travel to the other side of the country or world for meetings and consultations would save time and money. Getting myself out there through self promotion like handing out business cards that would have my contact details and web address on them, to the right people in the right places. Sending business cards out to potential clients via mail shots is also a good way of reaching new customers and staying in touch with the old ones. Holding events  showcasing my work would be a great way off engaging with potential clients. This type of self promotion is a great way of letting people know who I am? where I am? and what I do?...

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